Hi, my name is
Esai Morales.
I'm a Software Engineer pursuing a Master's in Computer Science & Engineering at Santa Clara University. Currently working at SCU's Frugal Innovation Hub where I assist in the coordination, development, and deployment of student-built, humanitarian software.
Hello! I'm Esai, a Software Engineer and recent graduate from Santa Clara University. I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon but moved to Santa Clara, California for college and to pursue a career in tech.
I enjoy working on all kinds of software projects, from web development to data science and machine learning. When I'm not working on code, I enjoy playing classical guitar.
News Breaking
A fake news detection and fact summarization tool. News Breaking scrapes the web for articles on a current event, compares them against each other to identify claims likely to be true, and presents a succinct, fact-based summary to the reader.
As part of my senior design project at Santa Clara University, I designed and developed the UI of the News Breaking web application. The application was developed to be responsive, scaling accordingly for enhanced readability across devices.
Course Equivalence Tracker
Keeps track of all advisor-approved courses outside Santa Clara University equivalent to those at SCU. Advisors can add, remove, edit, or search for previously established equivalences through a simple authentication system.
I was involved in mutliple aspects and all stages of this project - from requirement elicitation to designing the database schema to implementing the front-end for the web tool.
Esai Morales Guitar
A responsive website for my music business. Designed with simplicity and minimalism in mind. Feel free to explore my guitar music here.
Movie Recommendation System
A movie rating predictor using a 200 test-user dataset with 1000 movie ratings each. Implemented collaborative filtering and ensemble algorithms.
Toxic Comment Classification
Implemented an online comment classifier to detect varying levels of toxicity.
Spam Detector
A simple spam detector that uses Logistic Regression for classifying email messages.